2022 Champagne Brunch

We are so grateful to all who attended the Social Motion Champagne Brunch last Friday! It was a delicious and festive celebration of the life-changing work our community of supporters make possible. All proceeds from this event directly support our mission of empowering those with autism and similar special needs to achieve their full potential.

A highlight of this year’s event was sharing the exciting news with our guests that Social Motion and The Center for Pursuit will be merging, allowing us to create a life path of services that expands services and increases impact for our community. What a fitting opportunity for us all to raise a glass to this new phase of our journey! We are grateful for your continued support.

Thank you to our co-chairs, Elaine Turner and Michelle Heinz, and our generous underwriters for making this year’s Champagne Brunch a success.

Please see below for a few photo highlights of the festivities.

Michelle Heinz and Elaine Turner

DAMB Foundation

DeeDee and Tommy Fibich

Kathryn and Kirk Hachigian

Mike and Michelle Heinz

Katrina Chamblee-Boyd and Butch Boyd

Tracey and John Buckley

Maryellen Kimbrough

Aimee and Wynne Snoots

Sharon and Curt Webb

Elizabeth Ray and Paul Choules

Jennifer and Todd Frazier

Catherine and Jack Langlois

Kathy and Mike Mattina

Elaine and Jim Turner

Stephanie and Julian Fertitta III

Jim and Shana Jones

Kelly S Mathews

Edward Miles

Sherida Tutor Vida

Flower arrangements generously donated by