It’s not too late to register for Atascocita, Spring/The Woodlands and Clear Lake classes… CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!

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6th grade

The move from elementary school to middle school is a huge change that many are afraid of. Our job is to help prepare you for these new social demands. In intermediate social skills classes, we work on adapting to our new environment and increasing our powers of observation and conversation to blend in and fit in. Classes cover coping, dealing with stress and embarrassment, making mistakes, problem-solving, and fending off the dreaded bully. And of course, we learn how to do a locker combination!

After school social skills – never too early!

Classes are curriculum-based, staffed by 1 teacher and 1 assistant and last 75 minutes. Maximum class size is 6 students. Students practice their skills during monthly community outings.

Please see our catalog for class days and times.

Parent Training – all the info you need!

Multiple parent training sessions will be offered virtually. These trainings are intended to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be your child’s social coach 24/7. Free to parents of enrolled students.

“Social Motion has helped {my son} understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate social behaviors of him and others while also helping him with coping and social strategies. This has helped tremendously with his self-confidence in making friends and interacting with peer groups.”