Now Offering Summer Camp for Ages 12–15 – Click Here to Sign Up Today.

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Pre-K and Kinder

Research shows that early intervention is crucial for lifelong success. For this reason, we start early by introducing skills in recognizing and talking about emotions and understanding that others have thoughts, too. We teach basic social skills such as safe hands and feet (impulse control), taking turns, following directions, waiting, and working together in order to ensure a successful transition to kindergarten and the joy of playing with friends.

After school social skills – never too early!

Classes are curriculum based, are staffed with 1 teacher and 1 assistant and last for 45 minutes. Maximum class size is 6 students.

Please see our catalog for class days and times.

Parent Training – all the info you need!

Multiple parent training sessions will be offered virtually. These trainings are intended to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be your child’s social coach 24/7. Free to parents of enrolled students.

“Social Motion provides detailed skills that {our son} will need now as well as through life!”

"My son loves to go to social skills class because he was able to make a friend and that helped him to have more confidence about friendship."