It’s not too late to register for Atascocita, Spring/The Woodlands and Clear Lake classes… CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!

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Employment Services

In July 2021, Social Motion entered an alliance with The Center for Pursuit in large part to expand transition and employment opportunities for young adults with autism and similar special needs. The alliance allows us to take advantage of The Center's long-standing relationship with the Texas Workforce Commission as well as access their much larger pool of employment partners.

Social Motion and The Center for Pursuit together will provide the support you need as you transition to employment and increased independence.

Birkman Assessment

Social Motion supports Birkman International's efforts in conducting a study with the intention of gaining information to improve vocational training and employment outcomes for those with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Each individual participating in the study will receive a free Birkman Basics Report which provides valuable personal relational and occupational insights. If interested in participating in the study, please contact Brandi Timmons at Participants must be 18 years or older with a formal Autism (or similar) diagnosis.

“Over the course of the program, I have learned invaluable job skills that will help me later in life. I now have a better idea of what I want to do with my life.”