Teen Social Skills
9th-12th Grades
Even though teens think they know everything, we continue to teach them new skills! Teen social skills provide continuing guidance on how to integrate in the class setting and how to find commonality with peers using appropriate conversation techniques. We further our self-management capabilities to manage anger and anxiety and handle criticism and rejection, teasing, and bullying. We lighten it up by learning how to use humor and making sure social posts are always appropriate. We delve into personal responsibility, from hygiene to thinking about transitioning to independence.

Teen Social Skills - curriculum based social skills class
Classes are curriculum-based, staffed by 1 teacher and 1 assistant and last 75 minutes. Maximum class size is 6 students. Students practice their skills during monthly community outings.

Parent Training – all the info you need!
Multiple parent training sessions will be offered virtually. These trainings are intended to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be your child’s social coach 24/7. Free to parents of enrolled students.